After successful registration and updation of settings page click the logo to go home page (If you are not registered click here to see how to register in

Step 1: On the home page, under the “Competition for Kids” section, click the “View Contests” button to participate in a competition. For example, click “View Contests” in Drawing competition.

Step 2: You will see all the age wise categorized drawing contests. You can only enter a competition corresponding to your age group (age limit box appears in green color).

Click “View Contest” see the details.

Step 3: Now you can see all the details regarding the drawing competition. Click “Participate now” button to participate in the contest.

Step 4: You are in the participating page now.

Under “Do you want to receive comments?” select “Yes” if you want to receive comments from others (comments are only visible to you) or “No” if you don’t want to receive comments.

Click “Browse” and select either a photo of your drawing or a scanned copy of your drawing (You can crop or re-size for a better view).

You can describe your drawing under “Tell us something about your drawing”.

Now click “Submit” button to submit your drawing.

Step 5: You are in the payment page now.

If you have referral code or promo code you can apply here.

Once you click “Pay registration fee” button you can see all the available payment options.

Once the payment is done, the confirmation will be shown on screen and you will receive the payment receipt through SMS (text message) to your registered mobile number.

Read “how to win in a competition” article to win participated competition.

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